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Get students out of the classroom and up close to science they can touch


Debris Skimmers

Almost all plastics ever created still exist today and many  have yet to decompose. Those that do degrade often break down into harmful microplastics. Marine  organisms are greatly endangered by microplastics since they often ingest or become entangled in this plastic. Seabins are one recent development that is helping significantly to preserve our natural environment. Learn how we use this blue technology to collect debris  and observe what kind of waste and materials are present in our waterways.

Location: Gloucester Harbor

Estimated Time: 1 Hour

Age Level: Elementary to Adult


Invasive Species

Learn about the invasive green crab species and what actions can be taken to reduce their numbers and negative impact on our local ecosystems . We will be measuring and collecting data on invasive species, while determining a male from a female. Learning about this common species gives us insight into wildlife management practices, and protections of native crab species that are largely threatened by the green crab.

Location: Gloucester Annisquam River; Essex Conomo Point

Estimated Time: 1.5 - 2 Hours

Age Level: Kindergarten to Adult

K O E Quadrat Observation.jpg


Mudflats serve as habitat for many species of shellfish and  are a key factor in reducing erosion. Coastal acidification is occurring at an alarming rate, and often limits the productivity of coastal wetlands. Learn how to collect valuable data on pH, salinity, and temperature and how atmospheric changes in CO2 levels are interacting with the water.

Location: Dunfugin Boat Launch (Gloucester High School), Masconomo Park (Downtown Manchester by the Sea), Conomo Point Dock (Essex), or Clammers Beach (Essex)

Estimated Time: 1 Hour

Age Level: 5th Grade to Adult

Coastal Cleanups

 Reducing the amount of debris on our shores to limit pollution and threats to wildlife is a group effort. We will be using yellow city debris bags to collect garbage from the coastlines  which we will use to begin the process of cataloging the debris collected.

Location: Coast - public beaches and parks. Location determined to suit each trip.

Estimated Time: 1 - 2 Hours

Age Level: Kindergarten to Adult

Tide Pools

Tidal pools, found on intertidal shores during low tide, are teeming with a variety of organisms. Identify flora and fauna while learning about species native to Cape Ann. Enjoy hands-on exploration using nets and buckets.

Location: Local Cape Ann Beaches

Estimated Time: 1 - 2 Hours

Age Level: Elementary to Adult

Sea Level Rise

Sea levels are rising due to climate change which is leading to increasingly warmer annual temperatures. These higher temperatures are causing glaciers and ice caps to melt worldwide at faster rates than ever before. Come join Seaside in our efforts  to monitor sea level rise in Cape Ann using marking flags, meter sticks, and spotting levels.

Location: Local Cape Ann Beaches

Estimated Time: 1-2 Hours

Age Level: Middle School to Adult

Beach Seining

Gloucester has a rich history when it comes to our fishing culture. We will be learning one of the oldest fishing practices, “seining,” which involves  pulling nets through beaches to discover various species of marine life.

Location: Cape Ann Beaches

Estimated Time: 2 Hours

Age Level: 2nd Grade to Adult

Our unique field trips engage students through hands-on STEM education and workshops that focus on sustainability and environmental issues that impact our local communities and the world beyond. Students operate state-of-the-art green technology and contribute to ecological studies on topics such as invasive species and  marine debris. Students make a tangible impact on their local environment while simultaneously learning the significance of the ecological action they take. Please note that field trip offerings are seasonal only, sign up to our mailing list to learn about upcoming events!

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