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Green and Eco-Friendly Practice Experts

Sustainability Consulting - We strive to be a premier leader in creating environmentally sustainable schools, business and communities by providing education, leadership and resources to make effective change towards going green


Our Sustainability Consulting program aligns with and integrates multiple SDGs to effect meaningful change with our clients

Education, Leadership and Resources

Seaside Sustainability's Sustainability Consulting Program is a comprehensive program that works on a local, regional, and national level to guide any organization in their journey to sustainability! 


Our consulting department will work closely with school administrators, students, and community partners, to provide guidance on how to implement sustainable practices through different comprehensive services.


At Seaside, we believe in protecting the environment through education and action. Our goal is to encourage the development of environmentally conscious global citizens and have these actions extend outside the school into the community.


The strength of our program comes from involving the students in the sustainability efforts. We offer guidance and your team will implement the projects. This program is hands-on, comprehensive education that will educate each participating member on what needs to be done to be sustainable.


For more information about our Sustainability Program, or to engage us to green your school from the inside out, send us a message using the contact form at the bottom of this page and tell us about your needs.

Practical consulting solutions to implement green and eco-friendly practices.

Supporting sustainability and safety in schools nationwide!

Program Details


Through participation in the Seaside Sustainability Consulting Program, you will work with our expert staff to guide you in the process of implementing practices to create a more sustainable community. 


First, you will complete an evaluation that serves as an analysis of the institution’s systems and environment with our Sustainability Consulting staff. This evaluation is built on the Three Pillars of Sustainability; Economy, Society, and the Environment, and is rooted in the US Department of Education’s flagship recognition methodology, the Green Ribbon Institutions Award. This will allow us to determine areas of need in terms of sustainability, and guide our consultants on the type of advice and solutions we can give.

Comprehensive Services


Seaside Sustainability Consulting has an array of professional services and resources that can be customized in scope and breadth to build a culture of sustainability in individual businesses, schools and their respective communities. The following are some sustainability approaches, designed to be implemented in a comprehensive manner and that can also be effectively implemented individually. We offer services the following areas:

Food & Nutrition

We will guide you on how to implement a healthier, more sustainable food system through the use of gardens, food sourcing, and waste management. You will also learn how to empower students to connect with their communities and schools on sustainable food initiatives.

Curriculum & Student Learning

Educators will be guided into incorporating sustainability into their everyday curriculum. You will also be guided in creating ideas for student involvement through clubs and extracurricular organizations.

Buildings & Grounds

You will be guided on how to implement new building fixtures/retrofits that will save energy, water, money, and increase overall human health. You will also learn how to choose the right cleaning products, sustainable office supplies, and how to create a campus garden!

Busing & Transportation

You will be guided on how to implement an efficient bussing system and sustainable transportation options for students, workers, and community partners. You will learn how to educate all parties involved and how to provide alternative modes of transportation.

Waste Reduction & Diversion

You will be guided on how to determine how much waste is produced in your facility, gain awareness on where your waste is going, and how to implement a waste reduction system to reduce your waste through various reduction and diversion strategies.

Energy Management

You will be guided on how to promote energy efficiency. You will learn energy consumption strategies, low-cost measures to reduce energy consumption, cost-effective investments to reduce energy consumption and much more!

Water Conservation & Management

You will be guided on how to promote water saving strategies, including low-flow options, ways to promote reducing plastic bottle use, storm and rainwater management, and how to implement xeriscaping.

Read our Strategic Consulting Plan

We really appreciate all the work you and your team put into this... It has been great to work with you and I look forward to keeping in touch with you... on our implementation of these recommendations.

- Freya Hore, International School of Azerbaijan

We really appreciate all the work you and your team put into this... It has been great to work with you and I look forward to keeping in touch with you... on our implementation of these recommendations.

- Freya Hore, International School of Azerbaijan

We really appreciate all the work you and your team put into this... It has been great to work with you and I look forward to keeping in touch with you... on our implementation of these recommendations.

- Freya Hore, International School of Azerbaijan

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