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Passionately creating sustainable oceans & communities by educating through action

Grants are absolutely essential to the work we do at Seaside Sustainability because they allow us to fund waterway cleanups, marine debris education, water quality testing, reducing pollution levels, hiring interns, blue technologies, and a variety of other projects that we must invest in.


The people and businesses providing these grants have been so wonderful in helping us make a difference locally and globally since Seaside Sustainability was founded in 2017. We are looking forward to taking more action for the environment in years to come, and that could not happen without the generosity of our supporters and the grants they have provided. 




The funds, if awarded, will be used to pay the subscription and featured placement fees on the recruitment sites Seaside Sustainability uses to connect with new interns. Job listing placement and advertising fees for Chegg, Indeed, Handshake, Simplicity and LinkedIn are $200 each annually. By paying for featured placement and advertising our open positions, we are able to attract and connect with students across the country to support our organization and offer them extracurricular, professional development internship opportunities, which has also allowed us to enable knowledge sharing with children of Essex, Manchester and other local communities.

Cell Signaling Technologies

Cell Signaling Technologies

Funded the Seaside Education Adventure (SEA) summer program which promotes stewardship of the ocean through education and guided field-based demonstrations. The program was able to host 25 participants, ages 8-15, each week during the summer, establishing a new cohort of marine stewards in the Cape Ann community.

New England Biolabs Foundation

New England Biolabs Foundation

Funded the expansion of the Seaside Education Adventure Program and the implementation Drain smART Initiative. Seaside has now replaced the Seaside Education Adventure Program with a variety of field trip opportunities for students along the North Shore. Additionally, the Drain smART Initiative has expanded from Gloucester public schools to involvement from other Essex County schools.

New England Grassroots

New England Grassroots

Funded the purchase of reusable bags to further Seaside’s push for single use plastic bans. Seaside has been instrumental in the single use plastic bans that have come into effect in Gloucester, Beverly, and Rockport, with Rockport’s being one of the most comprehensive bans in the country.

EBSCO Foundation

EBSCO Foundation

Funded equipment used to support the management and logistics of the Seaside Education Adventure (SEA) summer program, a free week-long summer marine adventure opportunity for kids living within the Cape Ann community. The program attracted 25 participants each week during the summer and provided demonstrations on topics such as basic sailing, boat safety, oceanography, and marine biology.

Essex Heritage Foundation

Essex Heritage Foundation

Funded the operation of the SEA Marine Life Exploration for students which provided them an opportunity to learn about basic seamanship skills, research skills, the marine environment and oceanology, and the consequences of human action on our environment. Currently, Seaside offers a variety of field trips for students of all ages that give them experience in a variety of environmental fields through a hands-on approach.

New England Grassroots

New England Grassroots

Funded and provided support to the Drain smART Initiative in Gloucester. Since, Seaside has expanded this public art education program, which seeks to raise awareness about ocean pollution via storm drains, to other Essex County schools.

Horizon Foundation

Horizon Foundation

Funded general operational expenses as well as allowed for the expansion of multiple projects including student field trips and scholarship program and the initiation of the Seabin project. Seaside is now an agent of Seabins and operates and owns multiple that have been cleaning marinas and harbors of debris along the North Shore.

Cell Signaling Technologies

Cell Signaling Technologies

Funded the advancement of four local community engagement programs around Cape Ann, namely through the purchase of crab traps for Asian Shore and Green Crab mitigation, expansion and support the Drain smART initiative and local artists, and installment of monofilament collection and cigarette butt receptacles, for fishing lines and cigarette butts respectively, to reduce future marine debris.



The funds, if awarded, will be used to pay the subscription and featured placement fees on the recruitment sites Seaside Sustainability uses to connect with new interns. Job listing placement and advertising fees for Chegg, Indeed, Handshake, Simplicity and LinkedIn are $200 each annually. By paying for featured placement and advertising our open positions, we are able to attract and connect with students across the country to support our organization and offer them extracurricular, professional development internship opportunities, which has also allowed us to enable knowledge sharing with children of Essex, Manchester and other local communities.

EBSCO Foundation

EBSCO Foundation

This grant funded the purchase and use of crab traps to further Seaside’s invasive species removal and mitigation efforts of the Asian Shore Crabs and European Green Crabs around Cape Ann as well as provide curricular opportunities for the Marine Citizen Science and Local Initiatives programs. During trapping season and with the help of 550 volunteers, Seaside was able to sustainably remove 5000lbs of invasive crabs from the Essex River.

Captain Planet Foundation

Captain Planet Foundation

Funds the Water Quality Initiative, a program to provide free water quality data, from testing performed in Gloucester Harbor by the Marine Science program and Gloucester public school students, to the public, other organizations, and the City of Gloucester.

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