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Tackling Rubbish Across Seas & Habitats (T.R.A.S.H) Community Cleanup

Cleaning up the world, one sea & habitat at a time!


Seaside Sustainability’s new “Tackling Rubbish Across Seas & Habitats” (T.R.A.S.H) community cleanup program is an innovative new initiative that brings communities together to take care of their local environment. By committing to regularly cleaning up areas, participants can not only contribute to a cleaner and safer ecosystem but also foster a sense of pride and connection to their neighborhood.

T.R.A.S.H Community Cleanup Resource Guide Coming Soon

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T.R.A.S.H Community Cleanup Resource Guide

Coming Soon!

Program Overview


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What is the program?

This global volunteer-based initiative unites citizens, enhances clean-up efforts, and makes them into fun, collaborative efforts that build community and actionable environmental stewardship.

How does this program work?

Seaside’s website now features an interactive Experience Builder page offering accessible participant registration, a GIS map displaying teams around the world, a data form connected to the GIS map, and an interactive dashboard where you can explore various metrics of all the participants.


The T.R.A.S.H Community Cleanup program is open to individuals, groups, clubs, teams, and families. Participants can easily join a team or register a new team by “adopting” an area (park, neighborhood, block, school, beach, river, harbor, etc.) through the Adoption Form, where their team’s pin will be displayed on the GIS map.


Teams agree to perform at least one clean-up every two months and commit to an extended period of time. However, Seaside will conduct constant outreach to encourage participants and teams to adopt a more frequent cleanup cadence. 


Once a cleanup is completed, team leaders will submit their Progress Report through Experience Builder. This form includes information such as who the participants and “Team Leaders” are, weight and amount of trash collected, interesting and engaging photos of them during the cleanup, and an open response section where people can write any additional information such as the weirdest item found or the most type of an item collected. Participants will be required to submit a Progress Report each time they complete a cleanup. To further help Seaside Sustainability collect data and complete waste audits, participants have the option of submitting their data to the T.R.A.S.H Community Cleanup Little Green Light Form. This is not mandatory- but it is highly encouraged!


The engaging and interactive T.R.A.S.H Community Cleanup Experience Builder will display team pictures, team information like team leaders and members, adoption area, contact information, as well as collected trash amounts and weights, and debris inventories from each team. Teams can choose to add as much content as they desire! 


There is no registration fee to participate! Volunteers can elect to purchase essential materials in whatever quantities through our T.R.A.S.H Community Cleanup order form, such as Seaside vests, grabbers, gloves, and bags.


More Info

Adopter Responsibilities

When you adopt through Seaside Sustainability, you are responsible for keeping your area clean to the curb. Our T.R.A.S.H program aims to make these clean-up activities fun and collaborative, fostering community spirit and an enhanced local environment while inspiring your neighbors, friends, families, and colleagues to join in or adopt areas around their local schools, beaches, streets, roads, arches - or workplaces too!


Adopter responsibilities should include:

  • Keeping the exterior of both personal and public property free of litter

  • Removal of loose litter from along fences and wall bases, grassy and planted areas, curbs, borders, embankments, and other lodging points.

How to participate:

  • Decide what area(s) you wish to adopt.

  • Check Seaside Sustainability’s Experience Builder to see if your potential area is available. If your preferred area is already adopted, you can always join a cleanup team that previously claimed the area. Select your block and fill out the Application Form

  • Always check with your local policies and guidelines when deciding to partake.

  • Ask for permission and or advise local government/proper people about adoption plans.

Clean-up Details

  • Participants can either use their gloves and bags or order clean-up materials through our “T.R.A.S.H Community Cleanup Order Form”

  • Fill out and submit the Progress Report each time you complete a cleanup. This form requires information such as number of trash bags filled and total pounds of trash collected. There is also an open response section where you can share with us additional information, such as the most common types of litter found, and the most unusual item found. 

  • To further assist us in collecting data and completing waste audits, participants are encouraged to submit their data via the T.R.A.S.H. Community Cleanup Little Green Light Form. While this is not mandatory, it is highly encouraged!

  • Please make use of your residential garbage, recycling, and bulk collection services to dispose of solid waste collected. Bulk items that are too large or heavy to fit into bags should be placed at the curb (not on the street).


Participants can either use their gloves and bags or order clean-up materials through our “T.R.A.S.H Community Cleanup Order Form”. The discounted prices on each item are brought to you by the generous donation of The Hooper Fund. As Seaside Sustainability is not seeking to make a profit, the prices are donation-based. Once you input the items, quantity, and size you want, the form will ask if you would like to add a donation to Seaside, as well as your name, full address, phone number, email, and payment information. The items Seaside Sustainability has available for purchase are shown below: