Every year World Clean and Green Week is celebrated from September 17 to 23, and millions of people across 190 countries participate in various events to help the environment. The origins of World Clean and Green Week are a bit mixed but gained worldwide attention when people in Estonia and the Philippines took action to reduce environmental pollution. Slowly but surely, other countries took notice and began to participate by cleaning up parks, lakes, rivers, playgrounds, and other areas.
The mission of World Clean and Green Week is simple: to help the environment that we live in. Whether it is a sprawling city or a small town, keeping it clean and healthy leads to a healthier earth. World Clean and Green Week serves a vital purpose in helping to motivate people to care about the environment around them and to take action and clean their surroundings. Even just picking something up off the ground and properly disposing of it helps!
Something that many people don’t realize is that with a healthy environment comes better physical health for the people that live in it. We make our own lives better when we take the time to help out our planet. Having a healthy environment also helps animals. By not having waste in parks, cities, and suburban areas, animals won’t ingest hazardous materials and toxic substances. Keeping a healthy environment benefits all of us!
Here are three easy ways you can participate in World Clean and Green Week. The first thing you can do is go out into your local area and pick up trash. Cleaning up the environment around you can also influence other people in your community to lend a hand in making our planet a cleaner place. The second thing you can do is reuse and recycle materials that are non-biodegradable. In the long run, this act aids the fight against environmental pollution. The third thing you can do is spread the word about World Clean and Green Week and the importance of environmental awareness. This one may be a bit trickier since some people don’t believe in climate change or don’t want to listen. Sharing the vision of having a green and healthy earth is vital since this is the only planet we have, and we have to take care of it. Starting a clean-up initiative during World Clean and Green Week can help motivate people to reduce waste and pollutants throughout the entire year.
It may be hard to know where to start when trying to help our environment. In addition to the steps above, some other small steps that you can take include learning how to properly recycle, cutting down on your use of napkins, and turning off the tap when brushing your teeth!
World Clean and Green Week. (n.d.). Retrieved September 19, 2022, from https://nationaltoday.com/world-clean-and-green-week/
World Cleanup Day 2022. (n.d.). Retrieved September 19, 2022, from https://www.worldcleanupday.org/